
Dietary Changes


5 Dietary Changes to Reduce PCOS Symptoms

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder, yet its symptoms, long-term effects, and optimal management remain unfamiliar to many. PCOS contributes to irregular periods and fertility challenges. PCOS can make it difficult to become pregnant, but it's not just about having trouble getting pregnant. PCOS can also make an individual with a uterus more likely to have serious health issues. Awareness and effective management are crucial for overall well-being. In this blog, we will be discussing 5 dietary changes to reduce PCOS symptoms. 

Here are the 5 Dietary Changes

1. Balanced Carbohydrates

Incorporating low glycemic index foods such as brown rice and oats into your diet can play a crucial role in managing weight and reducing sugar spikes. 

2. Healthy Proteins

Ensure a healthy intake of proteins by including sources like chicken, fish, and pulses in your meals. This not only helps in controlling hunger but also contributes to weight management. Proteins play a vital role in providing satiety, preventing overeating, and supporting overall health.

3. Healthy Fats

Opt for foods rich in unsaturated fats, such as nuts and avocados. These healthy fats can help reduce inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity. 

4. Fibre-rich Foods

Integrate fibre-rich foods like vegetables and fruits into your daily diet. The high fibre content aids in improving digestion, controlling sugar levels, and supporting weight management. Fibre also contributes to a feeling of fullness, reducing the likelihood of overeating.

5. Avoid Sugary Foods

Steer clear of sugary and processed foods, including pastries, biscuits, and chocolates. These items can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar levels and contribute to insulin resistance, exacerbating symptoms of PCOS. Choosing whole, nutrient-dense foods is essential for overall health and PCOS symptom management. 

PCOS Treatment in Kerala

Adopt an effective diet to manage PCOS symptoms. PCOS doctors in Kerala can guide you with proactive steps to alleviate symptoms and promote a healthier lifestyle. Top PCOS hospitals in Kerala like Silverline guarantee top-notch healthcare services, ensuring comprehensive and effective management tailored to your unique needs. Get in touch with Silverline Hospital for more.


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