Surgical Management of ED

Erectile Dysfunction (ED):
Surgery Treatment Options

Surgical management of erectile dysfunction

Penile Implants as Surgical Management

Penile implant procedures are an effective remedy for males with erectile dysfunction who are not responding to medical management. This procedure has got a good patient as well as partner satisfaction

There are two types of implants

  • Inflatable penile implants: this type of implants completely collapses and becomes erect on a squeezing a button on the scrotum. Even though very effective and natural, these implants are very expensive. Also, these implants are associated with mechanical problems compared to semi-rigid implant
  • Semi-rigid implants: These implants are flexible and made of silicon mostly. Once inserted into the penis it brings much-needed rigidity to the penis for a satisfactory sexual contact. Inserted implants are very flexible so that it won't impede the normal life. This type of implants are less expensive than inflatable and associated with less mechanical problems.




  • Generally, for penile implant procedures, the duration of hospitalization is 3-4 days
  • You don’t require bed rest instead a restful activity for one week at home is advised. This does mean that you can’t do brisk exercises, weight lifting, etc.
  • You could join for work one week after discharge in most cases
  • Sexual contact I to be deferred for the first two months after the procedure
  • The implant is inserted via very small incisions so that post-operative pain is very meagre
  • The procedure is done under regional(spinal) anesthesia


Some Common misconceptions on penile implant surgeries:


  • It is not effective

Contrary to popular misconception, the intimate contact after far more efficient. The female partners all over the world have reported better satisfaction in terms of orgasm after penile implant surgeries.


  • The procedure is not permanent

The implant especially semirigid implants has low mechanical problems. So the procedure gives virtually a lifelong active sexual life.


  • It Produces pain during intimate contact

A successful penile implant is never associated with pain during sexual contact. Most of the implant received subjects report better satisfaction and self-confidence.


  • I will lose my weak natural erection

Erection is due to increased blood flow to three bundles of erectile tissue in the penis namely corpora glandularis and two corporal cavernosal bodies. Erectile dysfunction is primarily due to disorder in corpora cavernosa. Penile Implants gives much needed rigidity to corporal cavernosal bodies. Corpora glandularis which occur at the tip of penis is virtually untouched and gives subject the natural feel of erection.

About us

We are leaders in penile implant surgeries in Kerala. Our consultant Andrologist, Dr.Sandeep Prabhakaran is a leading expert in the andrology subspeciality. To date, our department has an experience of 150 penile implant procedures (inflatable and non-inflatable). We are so happy to provide a new lease of life to those affected by this agony. Almost all of our patients report extreme satisfaction in their sexual life.

Penile Implant is a time-tested, proven method of treatment for erectile dysfunction. It not only corrects the problem but it gives a far better sex life compared to earlier.

Come on! Let's unleash the macho in you.

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