
4 Diabetic
Friendly Flours!


Flour For Diabetics - A Diabetes-Friendly Guide

Managing a diabetic-friendly diet may seem challenging, but with better information and understanding, we can make it easier. From wondering "what to eat and what not to" to questioning the best flour for diabetics, many have doubts about a diabetic-friendly diet. In this blog, we will explore 4 diabetic-friendly flours. 

Best Flour for Diabetics

1. Whole Wheat Flour

As a whole-grain cereal, this flour stands as a fantastic choice. Packed with essential nutrients and fiber, whole wheat flour not only serves as a versatile ingredient but also provides a healthier alternative for those with diabetes.

2. Besan Flour

Widely used in Kerala and beyond, besan flour, derived from pulses, offers both delicious and health-conscious options. Particularly suitable for diabetic patients, besan's pulse nature makes it a favourable preference. Its versatility allows the creation of tasty dishes that align with the dietary requirements of those managing diabetes.

3. Oat Flour

Although oats might still feel somewhat unfamiliar in Kerala, exploring oat flour is highly recommended. Rich in goodness, oat flour boasts whole grain benefits and significant fiber content. Many are unsure about using oat flour as they haven't included it in their cooking routine. However incorporating oat flour into your diet introduces a world of interesting, diabetes-friendly culinary possibilities.

4. Ragi Flour

Ragi flour, known for its potential benefits for diabetic patients, requires a cautious approach. While it holds promise, avoid making kanji solely from ragi flour, as it may diminish its benefits. Mixing ragi flour with other millets or combining it with wheat flour retains its goodness. Understanding the nuances of working with ragi flour ensures its positive impact on diabetes management.

Best Hospital for Diabetes Care

Each of these flours brings its unique qualities, offering both health benefits and culinary versatility. By incorporating these diabetic-friendly flours into your diet, you can enjoy delicious meals while managing the diet effectively. 

At Silverline, we understand the intricacies of diabetes care, offering comprehensive support for those managing this condition. Being the best hospital in Kerala for diabetes care, we prioritize your well-being, providing accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. Reach out to Silverline Hospital for further assistance.

Flour For Diabetics

Delivering world class medical care in the field of
Diabetes, Thyroid, Endocrinology and Obesity with
precision and compassion.