
and Thyroid


Is Your Hair Loss Due to Thyroid?

Are you experiencing hair loss and suspect it might be linked to your thyroid? Thyroid problems can wreak havoc on your hair, and there are specific signs you should be on the lookout for. Here are four ways to know if your hair loss is due to thyroid.

Circular Hair Loss Patterns

One distinctive sign of thyroid-related hair loss is the development of circular patches of baldness. If you notice these unusual hair loss patterns, it's worth considering a thyroid evaluation.

Changes in Hair Texture

Thyroid disorders can disrupt the normal growth cycle of your hair, leading to noticeable changes in texture. Hair may become thin and more prone to breakage. Additionally, it can become dry and brittle, making it difficult to manage. If your hair has transformed in these ways, it may be a clue that your thyroid is involved.

Sudden Hair Loss

Thyroid hair loss often presents as a sudden and significant shedding of hair. You might notice clumps of hair on your pillow, shower drain, or even hairbrush. This abrupt loss can be alarming and should prompt you to seek medical advice, especially if it continues over time.

Thinning Eyebrows, Especially the Lateral Part

The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of your hair, including your eyebrow hair. If you observe thinning of the lateral parts of your eyebrows, or if your overall eyebrow thickness is diminishing, it could indicate thyroid dysfunction.


While these four signs can indicate thyroid hair loss, it's important to remember that hair loss can be caused by various factors, and thyroid issues are just one possibility. To confirm this, consult an endocrinologist who can perform the necessary tests and provide an accurate diagnosis. 

Hair loss due to thyroid dysfunction can often be effectively managed with proper medical treatment and lifestyle adjustments. As the best hospital in Kerala for thyroid treatment, Silverline Hospital can help you address the underlying issue and take steps to manage your hair loss.

Thyroid Hair Loss

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