
for Dietitians


CME for dietitians organized by IAPEN

The Indian Association for Parental and Enteral Nutrition (IAPEN), Kochi chapter has organized a CME for dietitians on the medical and Nutritional management of GDM on August 20, 2023, at Holiday Inn Kochi.

The panel of speakers included Dr Tom Babu, Medical Director of Silver Line Hospital, and Miss Sindhu S, Chief Dietitian at Ernakulam Medical Centre, Kochi.

The dietitians felt honoured to receive a presentation from a distinguished endocrinologist, who effectively delivered a talk on the medical management of GDM in a simple and easily understandable manner.

His ability to communicate complex information in a clear and comprehensible manner was highly appreciated by the attending dietitians.

During the interactive session, Dr. Tom actively engaged with the dietitians, addressing their questions and concerns.

Following Dr. Tom's talk, Sindhu S presented on the nutritional management of GDM, highlighting MNT for GDM and emphasizing the importance of early screening. 

The session concluded with a grand Onam sadhya for all the attendees.

Dr. Tom from Silverline Delivering Speech

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